What Medium Is Like 100 Stories Later

TL;DR — Writing on medium is like digging a well. And if you’re like me, the well’s mighty deep. I hope I find water soon…

Michael Columbus
4 min readJun 23, 2024
The goal. Photo by Ronin on Unsplash

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0 Followers (Aug 2015)

I published my first piece on Medium casually back in 2015. It was a personal piece. (I feel like I’m saying ‘piece’ too much). Anyways…

I continued on publishing personal pieces…err…essays at a very slow pace for years and years.

48 Followers (Nov 2020)

At one point I was admitted to the Partner Program after applying out of curiosity, only to have it rescinded later when the 100 follower requirement was introduced.

100 Followers (Jun 2023)

So I stopped writing until 2023, when I noticed my follower count inch above 100.

I became a member again and decided write because I have more thoughts bouncing around in my head than there are Emotions in Inside Out 2 and I wanted to get them down on the page — I like to draw and I like to read, but I feel compelled to write. So I write. (In a healthy way, not in an OCD way, as I’ve addressed before).



Michael Columbus

Software Consultant x Chemical Engineer x Mid-30s Married Guy with a stream-of-consciousness-bent Let's spend some time together 🥂